Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Active components and antimicrobial activity in two Sedum species grown in Shanxi Huoshan, China
Qing-Ping Hu 1,
Jian-Guo Xu 2*Recieved Date: 2012-01-18, Accepted Date: 2012-05-09
Abstract:Spectrophotometry and Oxford plate assay system were used to study the content of active components and their bacteriostatic effect in root, stem and leaf of Sedum tatarinowii and Sedum aizoon. Results revealed that the content of flavonoids and polysaccharides in Sedum tatarinowii were 5.61 and 3.40 mg/g, higher than that in Sedum aizoon. However, contents of free and bound phenolics in Sedum tatarinowii were lower than those in Sedum aizoon. The bacteriostatic effect of polysaccharides was not oberserved, while free phenolics exhibited a certain inhibitory effect on the growth of some bacteria for Sedum tatarinowii and Sedum aizoon. Flavonoids and bound phenolic extracts of Sedum aizoon had no bacteriostatic effect, however, flavonoids and bound phenolic extracts of Sedum tatarinowii had a certain inhibitory effect on the growth of Listeria monocytogenes,specially the bacteriostatic activity of flavonoids on Listeria monocytogenes was more effective compared to that of other extracts, and the average diameters of the inhibition zone were 16.0 ± 0.5 mm. These results will provide a theoretical basis for comprehensive development and utilization of plant resources of Huoshan in China.
Keywords:Sedum tatarinowii,
Sedum aizoon, active components, bacteriostasisJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2012
Volume: 10
Issue: 2
Category: Food and Health
Pages: 172-174
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