Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Diversity and distribution of Capsicum annuum genotypes resistant to Scirtothrips dorsalis in India: An analysis through geographical information system
Kuppusamy Rameash *,
Someswara Rao Pandravada, Natarajan Sivaraj, Sarath Babu Balijepalli, Shyamal Kumar ChakrabartyRecieved Date: 2015-10-06, Accepted Date: 2015-12-29
Abstract:Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) germplasm consisting of 316 accessions, sourced from 88 districts covering 22 states of India was screened for their reaction to thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood, to identify the sources of resistance. Among the accessions screened, six genotypes viz., IC342390, IC572481, IC572492, IC572504, IC275993 and IC570388 were found to be resistant; 34 were moderately resistant; 132 were susceptible and 144 were highly susceptible to S. dorsalis. The resistant accessions were found to be sourced from the districts of Mathura, Gulbarga, Gadag, Koppal, West Kameng and Chikballapur, showing a diverse occurrence of resistance sources in the country. The study articulated the coevolution between an introduced crop (C. annuum) and a native pest (S. dorsalis). The Capscium spp. in its 500 years of cultivation in the Indian subcontinent, were adopted not only to diverse climatic regions of the country, but also for biotic stress factors like S. dorsalis. Geographical information system (GIS) analysis was done to expedite the diversity and distribution of resistant sources in the country. The DIVA-GIS grid map generated for the richness index of collection site showed that the highest index (31-38) occurred in the Dharwad district of Karnataka, followed by a high index (16-23) in Panchkula and Sonipat districts of Haryana. The diversity analysis indicated that the genotypes collected from the Gadag and Dharwad districts of Karnataka recorded the highest Shannon diversity index (2.5-4.0). GIS grid map on the coefficient of variation showed that the genotypes sourced from Karnataka (Koppal, Bellary), Maharashtra (Nandurbar), Andhra Pradesh (Kurnool) and Uttarakhand (Dehradun) recorded the highest variation (46-57%) in their resistant reactions to S. dorsalis. Targeted germplasm exploration in the identified areas may provide additional sources of resistance in pepper for S. dorsalis.
GIS, host plant resistance, pepper, Scirtothrips dorsalisJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2016
Volume: 14
Issue: 1
Category: Agriculture
Pages: 51-64
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