Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment

Relationship between taste sensitivity and eating behaviors in high school students


Ikuyo Kawakami 1, 2*, Natsuki Ganeko 3, Nana Nakashima 4, Hirokazu Kimura 1, Naoko Kitano 4, Naotaka Matsuzoe 4

Recieved Date: 2016-01-10, Accepted Date: 2016-04-02


This paper focused on the relationship between taste sensitivity and the concurrent eating behaviors of 233 students (92 males, 141 females; mean age, 15.3 years) at a high school from 2011 to 2013. The recognition threshold values for the five basic tastes were determined by the Profit Method, while students’ present eating behaviors were assessed using questionnaires. No significant association was found between gender and the recognition threshold. Moreover, no significant association between gender and recognition threshold of the five basic tastes was found. The rate of subjects who recognized the umami taste was lower than the rates for the other tastes. More eating behaviors were related to taste sensitivity in females than in males. Our results indicate that eating behaviors affect taste sensitivity. As a result, this study suggests the importance of offering health and nutrition information to groups with lower tastes sensitivity.


Taste sensitivity, recognition threshold, eating behavior, high school students

Journal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2016
Volume: 14
Issue: 2
Category: Food and Health
Pages: 7-13

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