Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Response of tomato genotypes at early growing stages to irrigation water salinity
Magdi A. A. Mousa 1, 2*,
Adel D. Al-Qurashi 1, Ahmed A. S. Bakhashwain 1Recieved Date: 2012-12-18, Accepted Date: 2013-04-30
Abstract:The response of seven tomato genotypes to different saline water treatments was investigated. Two controls and four saline water treatments, 2000, 4000, 6000 and 8000 ppm, were applied. The tomato genotype LA1421 produced the highest number of leaves/plant and stem diameter, while LA2711 produced the highest stem fresh weight. LA1421 showed the highest root fresh and dry weight (g) with no significant differences from LA2711. The tomato genotype F1 Dom. revealed the maximum plant height (cm) and LA2711 the maximum stem dry weight (g). The F1 Dom. and KAU2 produced the lowest values of all assessed parameters except length of plant stem (LA1421). The control II treatment showed significant increase in number of leaves/plant and root fresh weight, and increased the stem diameter and stem fresh and dry weight. Among the applied saline water treatments, 8000 ppm produced the lowest values of all measured traits except number of leaves/plant. The water salinity of 2000 ppm increased the number of leaves/plant and stem fresh and root dry weight, and at water salinity of 4000 ppm the stem diameter was increased. The salinity treatment of 8000 ppm produced the highest root fresh weight, and 6000 ppm increased the stem dry weight. There were significant interactions observed between the tomato genotype and the saline water treatment. High saline water treatments significantly reduced growth parameters in all tested tomato genotypes except LA2711 and LA1421. The genotype LA1421 showed consistent tolerance to water salinity at 2000, 4000 and 6000 ppm regarding to no leaves/plant. LA1421, LA2711 and F1 P.P.#2 showed steady tolerance response to water salinity treatments 2000, 4000 and 6000 ppm regarding to stem diameter and stem and root fresh and dry weights. The tomato genotypes LA1421 and LA2711 showed consistent tolerance to the applied water salinity treatments. These promising genotypes can be used in breeding programs to improve tomato tolerance to salinity stresses.
Keywords:Water salinity,
Lycopersicon esculentum, genotypic response, growth parametersJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2013
Volume: 11
Issue: 2
Category: Agriculture
Pages: 501-507
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