Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Farmers’ preference for mutton and lamb from natural velds in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa
Peter Olutope Fayemi,
Voster Muchenje *Recieved Date: 2014-02-20, Accepted Date: 2014-04-06
Abstract:The aim of the study was to determine farmers preference for meat types or anatomical parts from sheep raised on natural velds. Data was generated by interviewing 203 sheep farmers within Eastern Cape Municipalities (ECM) in South Africa. The X2 tests were computed in an attempt to determine attributes that might be pointers to farmers preference for meat types or anatomical parts from the animal. Results obtained showed that farmers had more interest in mutton than other types of meat from sheep. Highest preference for mutton only and combination of mutton and lamb was expressed by farmers within 51-60 years of age. Although neophilic disposition was observed towards the consumption of hide and blood yet, farmers manifested utmost preference for liver followed by intestines and head, respectively. Gender-based disparity further showed that most male farmers consume sheep meat because of personal interest (PI) but the choice of the female counterparts are mainly influenced by traditional beliefs (TB). Despite the fact that < 10 of the sheep farmers in ECM manifested indifference towards ovine meat, majority of them were both producers and consumers of various meat types and anatomical parts from sheep raised on their farms.
Keywords:Anatomical parts,
farmers’ preference, meat types, sheep farmersJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2014
Volume: 12
Issue: 2
Category: Food and Health
Pages: 15-19
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