Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Effect of dietary crude palm oil on quality and oxidative stability of chicken eggs
YeasminAkter 1, 2*,
Azhar Kasim 1 *, Hishamuddin Omar 3, Awis Qurni Sazili 1Recieved Date: 2014-05-08, Accepted Date: 2014-09-27
Abstract:The experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of different levels of dietary crude palm oil (CPO) on quality characteristics and oxidative stability of chicken eggs. A total of ninety six ISA Brown hens was assigned randomly into four dietary treatments containing 0 (control), 1.5, 3 and 5% CPO with four replications pre-treatment. Experimental diets were iso-nitrogenous and iso-calorie. Eggs were collected daily analysed for its quality characteristics and lipid peroxidation. Yolk colour and oxidative stability were markedly improved (p<0.05) with corresponding increased CPO in the diets. On the basis of this study it may be concluded that dietary CPO reduced lipid peroxidation in egg yolk without affecting egg quality characteristics.
Keywords:Chicken eggs,
crude palm oil, egg quality, lipid oxidationJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2014
Volume: 12
Issue: 3&4
Category: Agriculture
Pages: 179-181
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