Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Start-ups and entrepreneurial potential in micro green farming
Sapna Dinesh
Recieved Date: 2022-01-21, Accepted Date: 2022-03-25
Abstract:The growing pandemic situation has left serious concern on health and immunity in life of people. They have become more health conscious than ever and have realised the importance of building resilience and immunity as protection from the deadly viruses and other deficiency issues. A transition to organic products can also be noticed among people irrespective of age and gender due to its high antioxidant level and nutrient content. Micro greens are store houses of antioxidants and nutrients. Staying indoors due to lock down and work from home scenario, people especially women and elderly have become conscious about organic farming, kitchen gardening, start-ups and entrepreneurship. This would overcome the stress and anxiousness they face because of the pandemic and various unpleasant marks covid has left behind during first and second wave. Micro green farming is a best business to start with as a start-up. This would alleviate the stress and depression in the current scenario and also be an income generating activity. This study focus on the effectiveness, possibilities and success stories of entrepreneurs in micro green farming. Micro greens is a new pattern in the hospitality business, gourmet specialists are utilizing miniaturized scale greens on their plates alongside consumable blossoms with the goal that the entire dish looks appealing. The results of the study showed that micro green business is the right option to start as a start up with less investment, less grow space, high and quick yield.
Keywords:Micro green,
entrepreneurship, start-upsJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2022
Volume: 20
Issue: 2
Category: Environment
Pages: 116-120
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