Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Synthesis and optimization of silver nanoparticles
M. Ramya,
M. Sylvia Subapriya, B. NaliniRecieved Date: 2020-09-03, Accepted Date: 2020-12-20
Abstract:By optimizing the Leucas aspera silver nanoparticles are widely as a major sources of antioxidants and antimicrobial activity against the enteropathogenic species. Therefore, these AgNP synthesized from medicinal plants are rich in phytoconstituents posing no toxic effects and are ecofriendly in nature. The particle size and zeta potential were analyzed simultaneously to assess both the size distribution and corresponding suspension stability of Leucas aspera silver nanoparticles. It was oberved from the present research work that the optimization of Leucas aspera nanoparticle ultracentrifugation (1 h 10 min) produced smaller particle size with a highly stable solution (g value of 12,000) producing a sharper and narrower distribution of particles with an average particle size of 23.44 nm and the corresponding suspension stability -24.7 mV. Hence, this method was adopted as the optimized method for synthesizing the Ag nanoparticles from other medicinal plant extracts with higher stability.
Keywords:Silver nanoparticles,
medicinal plants, centrifugation, particle size, zeta potentialJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2021
Volume: 19
Issue: 1
Category: Food and Health
Pages: 30-35
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