Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Versatile uses of young bamboo shoots in India: An appraisal
S. Pathak
Recieved Date: 2020-11-03, Accepted Date: 2020-12-27
Abstract:The bamboos are prevalently recognized as the ‘Bio-Steel or ‘Green Gold’ and are appropriately termed as ‘the Poor man’s Timber’ due to its availability, resourcefulness and invariable uses. Bambusoid grasses are greatly spoken for their contribution to the environment. Nevertheless, the food potentiality of the bamboo shoots remained unexploited and investigations on their nutritional, pharmaceutical and medicinal potentiality is also scarce. The present paper attempts to provide an assessment of the versatile properties, diverse uses as food for having colossal nutritional content, the raw shoots toxicity along with its side effect on human health amalgamated with pharmaceutical properties and traditional medicines prepared from young bamboo shoots in India with special reference to north eastern states where maximum bamboo population is established. Lastly, due to the enormous utilization of bamboos young shoots further investigation is required to make novel findings and nutraceutical products to benefit the society.
bamboo, India, versatileJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2021
Volume: 19
Issue: 1
Category: Food and Health
Pages: 27-29
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