Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Risk assessment on Sorghum products in the Southern Guinea savannah zone of Nigeria
M.H. Garba,
H.A. Makun, A.A. Jigam, L.M. Hadiza, T. AbdulRasheed-Adeleke, P.B NjobehRecieved Date: 2020-09-20, Accepted Date: 2020-12-30
Abstract:Sorghum is a local drought resistant grain that grows predominantly in the arid, semi-arid and savannah regions of Nigeria and other parts of the world. The Southern Guinea savannah agro-ecological belt of Nigeria was delineated into five sampling districts from where raw and processed sorghum based products were collected. Sorghum based products such as gruel, pap and porridge were sampled using a quantitative food frequency questionnaire (QFFQ) followed by measurement of the body weight and the quantity of food consumed by the respondents. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC/MS) was used to determine the mycotoxin concentrations in both raw and the sorghum-based products. Mycotoxin concentrations determined from both the raw and prcessed samples was used to determine the amount of mycotoxins consumed by respondents from different age groups. Subsequently the burden of aflatoxin induced hepatocelluar carcinoma(HCC) in communities (within the zone) that subsist on sorghum and sorghumbased products was also determined. Average daily consumption of sorghum-based products on age range was 192.5±8.32, 617.0±16.45, 810.2±23.24 and 746.1±21.02 g/day for the infants, children, adults and elderly, respectively. There was a significant difference (P = 0.05) in mycotoxin concentration between the raw and the processed sorghum samples in the area under study. The PTDI and TDI levels set by the regulatory agencies for the mycotoxin were however observed not to be attained despite the processing methods employed in the preparation of these products. The predictive incidence of HCC and the burden of aflatoxin induced HCC in the HbsAg+ and the HbsAg- populations was alarmingly high.
HbsAg+ /HbsAg_ , hepatocellular carcinoma, mycotoxins, processing, sorghumJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2021
Volume: 19
Issue: 1
Category: Food and Health
Pages: 20-26
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