Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Investigating antecedents of consumers’ word-of-mouth intentions and behaviours in restaurants
Nupur Shah,
Juhi ShahRecieved Date: 2022-11-12, Accepted Date: 2022-12-22
Abstract:Word of mouth communication is considered to be an effective interpersonal practice for sharing the feelings towards product/service/company to fellow consumers. With the advent of Internet, the consumers are now facilitated to share and exchange consumption-related information through online consumer reviews. This relatively new form of word-of-mouth communication, electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) communication, has only recently received significant managerial and academic attention. Restaurant industry is one of the flourishing sectors giving considerable returns to the Indian economy. Many academic studies have looked at the effectiveness of traditional word of mouth behavior in generating loyalty/disloyalty towards restaurants. However, we felt there was a need for an extensive study that examines antecedents/factors that drive consumers to spread positive/negative WOM/eWOM in online consumer-opinion platforms for the restaurants. The literature analysis of this study will provideimportant implications for further research and practice.
Keywords:Word of mouth,
electronic word of mouth, online reviews, antecedents, social influence, consumer behavior, social media, restaurant industryJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2023
Volume: 21
Issue: 1
Category: Food and Health
Pages: 39-47
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