Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Role of food nanotechnology using nanomaterials for sustainable farming: A review
Rajani Singh,
Sunita MishraRecieved Date: 2022-09-30, Accepted Date: 2022-12-18
Abstract:This manuscript demonstrates the important ramifications of the use of nano-technological applications in agriculture, such as nano-pesticides and nano-fertilizers, to track products and nutrient levels without decontaminating soils or water and to protect against various insects pests and microbial diseases to accelerate the harvest sustainably. Nanotechnology is a rising field in many research areas nowadays. It brings up a vast scope in many areas like agriculture, food preservation, pharmaceuticals etc. as the world population is increasing rapidly to cope up with the rising demand of the food. Nanotechnology is one of the most pioneering and promising technology for the transformation of food and agri industries. Nutrients in farms get depleted year after year due to continuous farming system on particular farms. Though chemical fertilizers added regularly may sustain the yield, yet quality of the yield gets affected nutritionally which may seriously affect human health. One of the most promising ways to address the drawbacks of conventional agricultural methods is nanotechnology. Nanotechnology is a sustainable way of farming which improves the quality quantity and security of foods. The importance of nanotechnological application in farming is to offer a healthy and complete food from farm to fork including functional and neutraceutical foods and also to improve the efficacy, bioavailability and nutritional status of food. Agro nanotechnology is proven to be the eco-friendly method of farming, using this technology decreases the toxicity of soil and increases its fertility. By incorporating innovative techniques to improve the nutritional quality and food safety, the products obtained from the application of nanotechnology to agricultural and food systems might put farmers and manufacturers in a strong competitive position and benefit nearly everyone. Therefore, use of nano particles as fertilizer enhances growth, nutritional quality, affordability and sustainability of the crop.
sustainable farming, nanofertilizers, nanomaterial, eco-friendly, food productionJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2023
Volume: 21
Issue: 1
Category: Agriculture
Pages: 48-53
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