Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Indigenous agricultural practices and constraints in crop production, Tawang, Eastern Himalayas (India)
Sanjeet Kumar
Recieved Date: 2023-07-10, Accepted Date: 2023-09-18
Abstract:The tribal communities principally depend on traditional agricultural practices and animal husbandry as their primary source of livelihood. The traditional agriculture system is posed with the eminence challenge of poor quality seeds, low yield, and crops damaged by natural calamities and wild animals in the mountainous fragile terrain. The present study aims to understand the socio-economic, cultural practices and livelihood risks and challenges of the Monpas tribes of Tawang district, Arunachal Pradesh. The Monpas are one of the 26 tribes of Arunachal Pradesh; using their traditional knowledge of crop diversification and resource management. Monpa farmers have mastered the art of farming in the high altitudes of the Himalayas. This paper discusses indigenous agricultural practices, including the choice of local crops, cropping calendar, farmers’ problems, and recent practice changes based on primary data collection and group discussion. The study area has been classified into 5 zones based on altitude and accessibility to collect the primary information. Twelve villages were selected covering each zone for a detailed household survey and an understanding of the regional characteristics. The primary division of land is made into six categories that include: agricultural land (lengsa), divided into three major categories: high hill, middle hill, and foothill for the cultivation of different types of cereals, vegetables, and cash crops. The crops are selected for specific micro-ecosystems after considering the ecological edge effect and variations in soil texture, moisture holding capacity, and presence of organic matter. It was noted that agricultural activities vary with altitude in the study area. The farmers follow a traditional system of crop rotations to maintain soil fertility. The significant issues related to agriculture in the area are erratic rainfall and animal invasions. The wild animal, namely pigs, macaques and porcupines forced many farmers belonging to the Monpa tribe of the Tawang district to give up farming due to crop damage. Challenges emanate from the harsh environment, geographic isolation, and inadequate infrastructure, all of which hamper productivity and access to markets in the communities. This study would be significant to understand the traditional farming method and challenges faced by the Monpas and the implementation of the sectoral plan by the concerned authorities.
Keywords:Agricultural constraints,
indigenous knowledge, Monpas, Tawang, Eastern HimalayasJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2023
Volume: 21
Issue: 3&4
Category: Agriculture
Pages: 51-63
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