Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Effect of Parthenium hysterophorus leaf extract against Dysdercus cingulatus nymph and adult stages
S. Manju,
P. Kombiah, M. Mayandi, Alagusundaram PandiRecieved Date: 2023-06-12, Accepted Date: 2023-09-22
Abstract:Dysdercus cingulatus is a series cotton pest that suck cotton balls and ripened seed. It is also commonly referred as a red cotton bug. Vast verities of synthetic pesticides are used in cotton fields to protect against insect attack.With a greater understanding of risks associated in use of synthetic organic pesticides, there is need to investigate suitable alternative pest control method. This present work was designed to understand the effect of different extract of P. hysterophorus against D. cingulatus. Among the six treated different extracts of P. hysterophorus, the methanol extract displayed the most prominent nymph mortality, followed by benzene, DCM, chloroform, ethanol and aqueous extract at a concentration of 500 ppm. In all the P. hysterophorus extracts exposed third instar nymphs, the life parameters, including adult longevity (male and female), mating period, fecundity, hatchability, and incubation period, were found to be significantly (p > 0.05) changed, and shelf life of insect was declined. Due to the prominent effect of methanol extract.These findings indicate that the methanol showed good insecticidal activity against red cotton bugs and will be an alternative to chemical insecticides.
Keywords:Parthenium hysterophorus,
Dysdercus cingulatus, pesticides, nymph, mortality,Journal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2023
Volume: 21
Issue: 3&4
Category: Agriculture
Pages: 64-67
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