Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Do land-reform grovers have awareness and understanding of control strategies of yellow sugarcane aphid, Sipha flava (Forbes); (Hemiptera: Aphidae)?
Anelisa N.Y. Makhaye,
Teboho D. Manenzhe, Elliot M. Zwane, Johan A. Van Niekerk, Patrick L. Tshikhudo, Zimkhitha KulatiRecieved Date: 2023-07-22, Accepted Date: 2023-09-10
Abstract:Sugarcane is an important crop on a global scale, due to its various dietary and commercial applications. Sugarcane crop damage by yellow sugarcane aphid (YSA) (Sipha flava (Forbes); Hemiptera: Aphididae) in South Africa has increased over the past few seasons. It is assumed that the new
entrants in the sugarcane sector lack awareness of yellow sugarcane aphid (YSA) and control strategies. This hypothesis has not yet been assessed in South Africa, hence, this study is carried out to asses it. The data was collected through face to face interviews and secondary data. The results show that men were in dominance in land reform sugarcane farming (34.2%). Majority (82.9%) of the growers indicated that the serious pest affecting their field was YSA which was seen on the underside of the leaf next to midrib (92.1%). Further, the results showed that the infestation rate of YSA was minor (86.5%) and farmers applied Allice (Neonicotinoid) IRAC (4A) to control YSA (53.1%). Farmers received training in sugarcane husbandry (31%). Further studies are recommended to determine YSA, Sipha flava (Forbes) infection rate in South Africa and type of resistant/tolerant varieties and insecticides that can be applied were natural enemies and weather fail to keep YSA populations in check.
Sipha flava,
pest control strategies, land reform aphididae, sugarcane, awarenessJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2023
Volume: 21
Issue: 3&4
Category: Agriculture
Pages: 68-71
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