Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Vulnerability of coastal artisanal fisher folks to climate variability in Southwestern Nigeria
O. C. Ajewole,
A. Falola, M. O. AdewumiRecieved Date: 2023-08-03, Accepted Date: 2023-09-22
Abstract:Climate variability is a challenge to sustainable coastal artisanal fish production systems because fisher-folks are operating in an environment, which makes them vulnerable to vagaries of weather. This study examined the vulnerability of coastal artisanal fisher folks to climate variability in South-west, Nigeria. A snowball sampling procedure was used to select a total number of 300 participants from fifteen communities randomly selected from the three littoral states in the region. Primary data was collected with the aid of a pre-test structured questionnaire, hydro-meteorological data and aggregate artisanal fish outputs for the region were obtained from the Nigeria Institute of Oceanography and Marine Research in Lagos and the Federal Department of Fishery, respectively. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) method. The findings were that: 37.7 % of the fisher folks were highly vulnerable, 51.3% were moderately vulnerable and 11.0% were vulnerable to climate variability, there was a significant (p = 0.066) negative relationship between aggregate fish output and vulnerability indices of the respondents. Climate variability had significant negative effects on fishing output in the study area. This study, therefore, suggests that a massive public awareness campaign on the reality of climate variability and its disastrous effects on fishing activities should be launched. Also, there is a need to develop policies that encourage the adoption of climate-smart fishing technology to mitigate the effects of climate variability on fish landings.
Snowball approach,
coastal artisanal fisher, Principal Component Analysis method, vulnerability indexJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2023
Volume: 21
Issue: 3&4
Category: Environment
Pages: 72-78
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