Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Impact of globalisation on edible oil industry – with special reference to Tamil Nadu
A.R. Angelin Archana,
S. ParthibanRecieved Date: 2023-07-18, Accepted Date: 2023-09-24
Abstract:Oil plays an essential role in nutrition in a balanced diet and acts as a protein source after cereals. It is also a significant contributor to the taste of the product. Edible oil crops account for food grains in terms of economic value and production. The oilseed industry is one of the most vital industries in India, and the Indian oilseeds industry is a significant player in the world market. India is the fourth largest oilseed producer, trailing behind Brazil, Argentina, and China. India also possessed success stories in oil production through farmer networks in collaboration with National Dairy Development Board and Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation in the 1990s. The new policies encouraged new players as oilseeds farmers and introduced new edible oils in society, at cheaper prices. Contemporarily, India grows and produces nine oilseeds, out of which seven are used as edible oil. Not all of the nine oilseeds are native to India, the commercialization of the industry happened post-1990 with the inception of the World Trade Organization and the influence of the Multinational Corporations. It also led to a transition of oil consumption patterns in Indian and Tamil Nadu.The production and consumption of traditional oil crops such as groundnut and sesame reduced, and increased the production and consumption of other oils in Tamil Nadu. The impact was evident during the Pandemic as Tamil Nadu faced a scarcity of edible oil production and distribution. A survey was conducted during May (at the peak of the second wave of Covid – 19) through an online questionnaire in Tamil Nadu on oil consumption, with 900 samples in total, 500 from Chennai, 200 from Madurai, and Kanya Kumari. The study delivered insights into consumer preferences for oil and the socioeconomic factors nature of Tamil People. Thus, the article summarises the impact of globalization at the national level with a glimpse of before and before adopting foreign norms, and its effects at the regional level.
Keywords:Edible oil,
production & consumption, policies, market, Tamil NaduJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2023
Volume: 21
Issue: 3&4
Category: Environment
Pages: 79-84
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