Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
The effect of climatic conditions on sweet cherry fruit treated with plant growth regulators
Silvija Zeman 1*,
Tomislav Jemrić 2, Zlatko Čmelik 2, Goran Fruk 2, Marija Bujan 3, Teuta Tompić 1Recieved Date: 2012-12-20, Accepted Date: 2013-04-29
Abstract:The effects of 25 ppm 3,5,6-TPA (3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridyloxyocetic acid), 30 ppm NAA (naphtylacetic acid), 20 ppm GA3 and their combination on the size, weight and concentration of organic acids and total phenols in cherry fruit (Prunus avium L. cv. ‘Regina’) were investigated. Treatments with 3,5,6-TPA and NAA were applied 25 days after full bloom and GA3 during the stage of colour change of the fruit from green to straw yellow. Year, treatment and their interaction had significant effects on fruit size, thickness and weight. Fruit height, the height:width ratio and soluble solids concentration (SSC) were not influenced by year and treatment, though the interaction of these factors significantly affected SSC. In 2009, fruit thickness, height and weight were significantly increased after treatments with GA3, NAA and their combination. Treatment with 3,5,6-TPA significantly decreased fruit size and weight compared to the control. SSC remained unaffected by treatment with growth regulators. In 2010, fruit treated with NAA had the largest size and thickness, while the combination of GA3 and 3,5,6-TPA caused significant decreases of fruit weight, compared to the control. Year was a significant factor only for fumaric acid concentration, but treatment and interaction of year and treatment significantly affected the concentrations of all organic acids, and total phenol concentration. In 2009, fruit treated with a combination of NAA and GA3 had the highest concentration of malic, citric and shikimic acids, but the lowest concentration of total phenols. GA3-treated fruits had significantly higher concentrations of tartaric and fumaric acids. The highest concentration of malic acid in 2010 was detected in fruits treated with a combination of 3,5,6-TPA and GA3, but the difference was not significant in comparison to fruits treated only with 3,5,6-TPA. The highest concentration of tartaric acid was detected in fruits treated with NAA, 3,5,6-TPA and a combination of NAA and GA3. GA3 significantly increased the concentration of citric and shikimic acids, while 3,5,6-TPA significantly increased the concentration of fumaric acid. Total phenol concentrations remained unaffected by treatments with the plant growth regulators in 2010, but in 2009, 3,5,6-TPA, GA3 and their combination increased the concentration of total phenols. Further research is required to develop cultivar-specific strategies for increasing the quality of sweet cherry.
Keywords:Prunus avium L.,
plant growth regulators, fruit size, organic acid compositionJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2013
Volume: 11
Issue: 2
Category: Agriculture
Pages: 524-528
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